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Gallon of Gasoline by Durel Sankofa

Medium: Poetry

Description: June Jordan's “I Must Become a Menace to My Enemies”...the words “must become” just fill me with life and vitality. The manifestation of a future self that she has decided she “must” be. I think it is something that has been and continues to be extremely important for us. I like to ask what must we become, to be greater versions of ourselves.

Instagram: @durelSankofa

Inspired by June Jordan’s “I Must Become a Menace to My Enemies”

We standing in line at a gas station

Hot, sticky and a little impatient waiting at this station

When a BLK boy walks in,

Asking for a refund, but

Storeowner just laughs at him

Boy gets mad throws a bit of a tantrum then

Storeowner comes around the corner with a weapon and


The gun went off and a life was lost

With no island or protracted series on TV to explain the cause

Just loss

Loss like jobs when American Axle moved their factories overseas

Loss like funding for recreational centers in my “inner-city” communities


As in BLK boy no longer living

This makes my community livid

They draw up signs to picket

“I’m ridin’ the change train-I got my ticket!”

“Ain’t gon’ let thangs stay the same-you’d best get with it!”

You read the paper that came?

Storeowner got acquitted

I’m all in my fillins’

Gon’ come on the block, set up shop, get paid off our pockets

See our boy and think he got a license for killin?

No, not in my hood-not in my village

Why can’t they treat us good?

We human, we got fillins’, we got value

Call up fox 2

And a whole slew of other local news crews

Been on this land too long to stand this kind of abuse

(The next day, the people gathered)

“March until your feet tire!

March until your back hurts!

We got a boycott requested by the BLK church

A call to action came from my Pastor

I wish Jesse Jackson could get here faster

The movement was gaining traction-

I could feel a change was at work

That’s when a store clerk crossed to change the # on the price sign

Gallon of Gasoline was $4.15



Ppl would ride across town for the low gas price

$1.99-are you out of your mind?

How much of a saving can cost a community its spine?

Can you make them forget the boy died before his Momma stops crying?

Leave the car wash before the car’s done drying

Out the lot and down the block to wait in line

From no justice no peace


I won’t let these acts of Satan

Make me miss these savings

Storeowner gon’ get his Karma gon’ pay him

But right now I gotta fill my tank and

This is some cheap gasoline...


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